Summer Camp
Elevate Your Game This Summer

Alevelup Basketball Summer Camp
Alevelup Youth Basketball Camps in Ajax. Enjoy your summer and make new friends and meet awesome trainers. Master the fundamentals of basketball during the summer months. Co-ed programming.
Sign up today

LEarn more about our summer camp
Alevelup Youth Basketball Camps, in Ajax. Enjoy your summer and make new friends and meet awesome trainers. Master the fundamentals of basketball during the summer months.
Co-ed programming.
Camp Starts at 9 am - 4 pm
Early Drop off 8 am / Late Pickup until 5 pm
*Note: After 5 pm parents will be charged $1.00 per/minute - parents will be emailed an Invoice for late pickups.
Athletes Should Bring to Camp:
Water Bottle
Healthy lunch - 2/3 snacks
Indoor running or basketball shoes
Track pants
All campers will receive an ALeveup T-shirt
Prizes also for the younger ages.